Listening is Much More than Just an Action

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How To Listen

By: Thich Nhat Hanh

Do you listen to respond, or do you listen to really hear what is being said? This book touched on some great points in regard to listening to others and ourselves. I didn’t realize it at the time of purchase that this was written by a Zen master, this made a ton more sense after reading.

It starts by teaching things to acknowledge that bring us back to the here and now. It goes through breathing techniques and other important grounding activities. Because let’s be real if you are not in a clear mind frame how can you be there to listen for others.

Being in a good frame of mind is also crucial along with acknowledging emotions that arise but not reacting to them directly. We have all been gifted the ability to think freely so even when we may not agree with another person, respecting their thoughts is key.

At the end of the book, it also does a short recap of real-world practice. This includes techniques that can be used for families and at work. I’m excited to hear what you all think about it!

This pocket book was a great find that I am happy I stumbled across. It can be read in just a few hours. Make sure you are taking the time to see how it can be implemented in your day-to-day life as well. It’s an easy read and at minimum it provides a few thought-provoking ideas.

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