Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline
By H.D. Carlton
“The lengths I would go to for you are terrifying, little mouse. So easily, you could destroy me, and I would lie down and take it. I don’t care if I live or die – as long as it’s all for you”. Insert me swooning over Zade here. My sister talked me into reading these after I refused for months, but I finally gave in. Story of my life as the younger sister. She was right though; I enjoyed them.
Now, to be very straight forward, I struggled getting into Haunting Adeline. I felt as though the first few chapters were a bit slow, Setting the scene for sure, but slow. But stick with it because once the man in the dark hoodie shows up… insert another swoon here.
We are all aware of the happenings in the world. When I read that it was a dark romance mixed with the sex trade, I was less than thrilled about the concept. Not very often is there that kind of content advisory on a book. H.D. Carlton does an amazing job covering the subject. It is done in detail but at no point tasteless. It’s real!
Adeline is an author herself who happens across her biggest fan, Zade, and it wasn’t what was between the pages of her books that drew him in. She is an adrenaline junky in more ways than one. I think most of us can relate. Zade challenges her, takes her out of her comfort zone, and shows her how strong she really is.
Their relationship is only a small part of the picture though. There is murder, mystery, adventure, and friendship. It’s a wild ride. I finished the first book and immediately had to get the second, have to love those late-night book purchases.
Throughout the books characters are introduced that most people can relate to in one way or another. This is always a telltale of a good book, when real life can be related to fiction. I won’t say that there are not some very disturbing parts in the books. However, this is the world that we live in, as much as we don’t want to accept it.
With that being said we need to make sure we are doing everything we can day to day to keep those around us safe and offer a safe space whenever possible. Be the light in the dark, you never know the impact you could be making.
This is a must read. It opens your eyes to more things than you’d expect. Make sure when you pick up Haunting Adeline you grab Hunting Adeline too. You’ll thank me later! I will leave you with my favorite line from the books because it hits so close to my own heart, and he knows it.
“You’ve taken my entire heart and soul and my ability to love another. Sometimes I hate you for that…”.
P.S. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten Sibby

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